
Online Contact regular update on August 26th

Registered date : 2024.08.23 Heading:Announcement

We would like to thank our customers for using Online Contact.
To provide better service quality, the following updates will be implemented.
Please see below for further details.

■ Progress date: Non-stop service update between 07:00 and 08:00 on August 26, 2024
■ Influence: Occurrence of temporary transient phenomenon
■ Update details
1. [Ticket Management]
- Fixed an issue where line breaks were not applied when previewing the content written when the editor type was 'TEXT'.
- Fixed an issue where email information was not saved in ticket details when the customer email domain contained a 'hyphen (-)'.
- Resolved an issue where an error occurred when saving after automatically entering customer information.
2. [Service Management > Ticket]
- Fixed an issue where the input length of the placeholder text(Value setting) in the 'Textarea' field was limited to 50 characters.
3. [Service Management > Agent]
- Fixed an issue where when a counselor group is deleted, the counselors in that group are not displayed on the counselor list screen.
4. Other function improvement work

Online Contact is working to provide better service.
Thank you.